Motorcycle, Bicycle & Bird Scooter Accidents
Motorcycle accidents are a specialty unto themselves. These machines are of course unique and the operating rights of motorcycles are by enlarge ignored on the highway by other motorists. We have special
experience in litigating and trying motorcycles cases in accidents involving lane splitting, sideswipe and intersectional accidents. We use experts in motorcycle operation and technology as well as human factors experts on the requirement of other drivers to visualize and detect the presence of motorcycles. The reality is that most drivers do not know the rights of motorcycles on the road and do not know where to expect them on the highway, resulting in serious accidents. The same is true of bicycles and bird scooters, they have very special rules of the road and most drivers do not understand or respect the rights of non-motorized vehicles such as bicycles and bird scooters, bike lanes and other designated areas for their operation. For example, bicycles and bird scooters are required by law to operate according to the rules ofthe road, observe traffic lights and streets signs and are not considered pedestrians that can operate on the sidewalks and rely on pedestrian crossing signals. We understand those unique rules and know how to effectively educate juries in their application. Not surprisingly, jurors are by nature prejudiced against motorcycles, bicycles, bird scooters, and other non-motorized vehicles and we have experience in confronting those prejudices with jurors in voir dire resulting in a jury that is fair and willing to significantly compensate victims of motorcycle, bicycle and bird scooter accidents, which generally result in seriousinjury or death.