Burn Injuries Are Severe
Burns can occur in varying degrees and are obviously very painful. Burns requires specialized experts trained in burn treatment and care for these injuries and how to manage them and live with them if need be.
Burn Injuries Are Caused by Accidents
Burns can be caused by electrocution, exposed power wires or explosions to defective kitchen appliances or something as simple as a negligent store employee serving coffee. We have the experience and experts to assess the severity of the burn, to litigate and try to verdict any burn case against a corporation or insurer. We have handled countless burn cases including cases where children have been burned in car accidents and explosions as well as during mishaps at the coffee shop
Burns and Life Care
Like other severe injuries, a severe burn may require long-term care for the life-expectancy of the client, including, doctors, therapy, films, surgeries, revision surgeries, occupational and vocational assessments and therapy and in some cases in-home modification and admission to private care facilities